BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20120603T000000Z DTEND:20120603T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>FREE!</strong>\n\nOn June 3\, 1957 (coincidentally Alle n Ginsberg's birthday)\, Shig Murao was arrested for selling an "obscene" book to an undercover police officer. The book was <em>HOWL and Other Poem s</em> by Allen Ginsberg\, and according to Captain Hanrahan of the SFPD\, was only the first in a long list of books the department had deemed obje ctionable. Lawrence Ferlinghetti was arrested for having published the boo k shortly thereafter\, and the trial that ensued was among the defining ba ttles of the free speech movement.\n\nThe Beat Museum celebrateS the legac y of Shig Murao\, &ldquo\;the enigmatic soul of City Lights and the San Fr ancisco Beat scene&rdquo\; on the day of his infamous arrest\, and Allen G insberg&rsquo\;s birthday.\n\nEvent info: <a href=" events/"></a>\n\nHosted by Richard Reynolds\nMore i nfo about Shig: <a href=""></a>\n\n* * * \n\nArticles about Shig Murao on Discover Nikkei:\n\n<a href="/journal/201 1/11/3/shigeyoshi-murao/">In Search of Shigeyoshi Murao</a>\nBy Patricia W akida\n\n<a href="/journal/2011/11/10/samurai-family/">Shig Murao: A Samur ai Family (1920)</a>\nBy Richard Reynolds DTSTAMP:20240604T030740Z SUMMARY:Shig Murao -- The Enigmatic Soul of City Lights and the San Francis co Beat Scene URL:/en/events/2012/06/03/shig-murao-the-enigmatic-soul-of-city-lights-an/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR