BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20111001T000000Z DTEND:20111001T000000Z DESCRIPTION:August 19\, 2011\n(503) 288-2456\n\n<em>For immediate release</ em>\\n\n<em>Photos available</em>\nwww.portlandt\n\n<strong><em>What:</em></strong> <em>Beat Salad: U-Pick</em>\n< strong><em>Who:</em></strong> Portland Taiko\, Asian American Drum Perform ance\n\n<strong><em>When:</em></strong> October 1 at 8pm\, October 2 at 2p m\n\n<strong><em>Where:</em></strong> Newmark Theatre\, Portland Center fo r the Performing Arts\; 1111 SW Broadway\, Portland\n\n<strong><em>Tickets :</em></strong> $32.25 adults\; $24.25 children\, seniors\, and students. &nbsp\; $2-$3 service charges\, and telephone or internet sales subject to additional handling charges. Available at the PCPA Box Office\, online th rough\, or by phone\, 1-800-745-3000.\n\n<strong><em >Supported by:</em></strong> The Collins Foundation\, National Endowment f or the Arts\, Oregon Arts Commission\, Regional Arts &amp\; Culture Counci l\, Work for Art. <em>Media Sponsors</em>: KINKfm\, The Oregonian\, Poster Garden.\n\n<strong>Portland Taiko unveils audience and fan favorites at <e m>Beat Salad: U-Pick</em></strong>\n\nThroughout the past season Portland Taiko performers have shared their thoughts and remembrances of past conce rt performances and songs and told audiences\, &ldquo\;U-Pick.&rdquo\; At concerts\, events\, online and on social media the company has asked their fans to choose their favorite songs\, and the votes will be in and tallie d for the company&rsquo\;s 2011 season finale concert. The winning &ldquo\ ;U-Pick&rdquo\; songs will be unveiled at the debut of <em>Beat Salad: U-P ick</em> on October 1 at 8pm at the Newmark Theatre\, with a matinee perfo rmance on October 2\, 2pm.\n\nTickets are on sale now for $24.25 - $32.25 (plus service and handling charges)\, available in person at the PCPA Box Office at 1111 SW Broadway in Portland\, by phone 1-800-745-3000\, or onli ne at For more information and for group tickets\, call (503) 288-2456 or email\n\nAbout Portland Tai ko: Founded in 1994\, Portland Taiko was the first professional taiko (Jap anese drum performance) ensemble in the Pacific Northwest\, and has been a strong artistic presence in Portland and beyond for seventeen years. Port land Taiko pushes the boundaries of taiko expression by integrating contem porary sound\, modern and folk dance movement\, and world music with tradi tional taiko rhythms. Artistic Director Michelle Fujii\, Executive Directo r Michael Griggs\, and Producing Director Teresa Enrico now lead the compa ny\, which performs annually for over 50\,000 people locally and nationall y in concerts\, community performances\, and tour engagements.&nbsp\; Por tland Taiko also offers studio classes\, school programs\, and community e ducational work to students of all ages. DTSTAMP:20240602T154036Z SUMMARY:Portland Taiko presents... Beat Salad: U-Pick URL:/en/events/2011/10/01/portland-taiko-presents-beat-salad-u-pick/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR