BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20110609T000000Z DTEND:20110609T000000Z DESCRIPTION:COLD TOFU returns to the Tateuchi Democracy Forum with The Hiro shi Show. Starting with one suggestion from the audience\, COLD TOFU creat es a long form improv show full of comedy and hijinks based on the persona l stories of its special guest hosts. Tonight's special guest host is ABC7 Eyewitness News David Ono.\n\nAdmission is $10 and a portion of the proce eds from both evenings will go to the National Museum. For reservations\, please call 213-739-4142 or email\;\n\nCOLD TOF U is a non-profit arts organization and is dedicated to promoting diverse images of Asian Pacific Americans through comedy and to developing multiet hnic talent through education and performance.&nbsp\;\n\nFor more informat ion about COLD TOFU\, visit&nbsp\;<a href="">www.c</a>. DTSTAMP:20240601T122926Z SUMMARY:COLD TOFU Presents The Hiroshi Show! URL:/en/events/2011/06/09/cold-tofu-presents-the-hiroshi-show/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR