BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20110415T000000Z DTEND:20110415T000000Z DESCRIPTION:\nThe Japan America Society of Chicago and JASC will be co-host ing a presentation and book signing by author Beverly Patt&nbsp\;on Sunday May 15th from 2-3:30pm at the JASC\, 4427 NClark St.&nbsp\;\n\n&nbsp\;Bev erly Patt will discuss the book writing process\, how she created the char acters in her book\, and elaborate on her own cultural journey.\n\nGerman- American Louise Kessler\, 14\, starts a scrapbook when her best friend\, D ottie Masuoka\, leaves for the Japanese internment camps. Louise's scrapbo ok includes items from her life "on the home front" as well as Dottie's le tters and drawings from the internment camp. Together\, their intertwined stories tell of a friendship that even war cannot tear apart.\nThis event is open to young adults (ages 8 and up) and adults. To make a reservation email&nbsp\;<a href="" target="_blank">Erika Kon o</a>&nbsp\;or call 312-263-3049 by May 13th.&nbsp\;Please click on the&nb sp\;<a href="\;et=1105287066932 &amp\;s=736&amp\;e=001yzVza1FzkLXiuhQ1Bwg83rBYlmanoD0uMDXnKAN_4hEvPRxfKXwd AmqGt1F101sUlwN_9oN_qyS0v8s_DQruQpqxyKyvQhcGMGkCWPCqT7q9qmNlVgm0xdw0-Y7NDt 470EqRBlF5-p6P6LmH6mkJJTRQ4gkD_XT2CpnEq3W1bMW_163DDW24gnCUaS8xzEic" target ="_blank">Flyer</a>&nbsp\;for full details.&nbsp\;\n DTSTAMP:20240603T232025Z SUMMARY:Best Friends Forever Book Signing URL:/en/events/2011/04/15/best-friends-forever-book-signing/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR