BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20110420T000000Z DTEND:20110420T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<em><strong>Please note: Space is limited. RSVP are HIGHLY enco uraged.</strong></em>\n\nFrom Maya Soetoro-Ng\, sister of President Obama\ , comes a lyrical story relaying the loving wisdom of their late mother to a granddaughter she never met. Come hear Mrs. Soetoro-Ng read from her ne w book\,&nbsp\;<em>Ladder to the Moon</em>.&nbsp\;\n\nLittle Suhaila wishe s she could have known her grandma\, who would wrap her arms around the wh ole world if she could\, Mama says. And one night\, Suhaila gets her wish when a golden ladder appears at her window\, and Grandma Annie invites the girl to come along with her on a magical journey.\n\nIn a rich and deeply personal narrative\, Maya Soetoro-Ng draws inspiration from her mother s love for family\, her empathy for others\, and her ethic of service to ima gine this remarkable meeting. Evoking fantasy and folklore\, the story tou ches on events that have affected people across the world in our time and reaffirms our common humanity.\n\nYuyi Morales s breathtaking artwork illu minates the dreamlike tale\, reminding us that loved ones lost are always with us\, and that sometimes we need only look at the moon and remember.&n bsp\;\n\nProgram is free&nbsp\;with&nbsp\;<a href=" it/">admission</a>.&nbsp\;Reservations recommended to&nbsp\;<a href="mailt"></a>&nbsp\;or 213.625.0414 at least 48 hours prior to the event.&nbsp\;Include the name\, date\, and time of the progr am\, as well as your name and the total in your party.&nbsp\;\n\n<a href=""></a>\n<strong></strong>\n<strong>About t he Author and Illustrator&nbsp\;</strong>\n\nMaya Soetoro-Ng says that <em >Ladder to the Moon</em> was inspired by her young daughter Suhaila&rsquo\ ;s questions about her late grandmother\, Ann Dunham\, who is mother to Ma ya as well as to President Barack Obama. Born in Jakarta\, Indonesia\, the author later moved with her family to Honolulu. She has traveled extensiv ely\, speaks Spanish and Indonesian\, and has a long and rich background i n cultures and education. After attending Barnard College and the Universi ty of Hawai&rsquo\;i\, she was awarded a master&rsquo\;s degree in seconda ry education from New York University. From 1996 to 2000\, she taught at a nd developed curriculum for public middle schools in Manhattan. She then m oved back to Hawaii to pursue her PhD in international comparative educati on\; she also taught at a charter public school and a girls&rsquo\; high s chool. Maya Soetoro-Ng is currently an education specialist for the East-W est Center\, where she facilitates educational exchange and cross-cultural understanding between Asia and the United States. She is also a lecturer at the University of Hawai&rsquo\;i&rsquo\;s College of Education\, where she teaches multicultural education and the history of education.&nbsp\;\n \nSince emigrating from Mexico in 1994\, Yuyi Morales has drawn strongly f rom her Mexican heritage to create some of the most celebrated books for c hildren. As a Spanish-speaking immigrant and new mother\, she struggled wi th English and with her sense of loneliness in the foreign culture. Taking solace in public libraries\, she practiced English with her son by readin g children&rsquo\;s books. In her library visits\, she found a renewed int erest in stories\, inspiring her to enroll in evening writing classes to l earn how to tell stories in English. She also bought her first set of pain ts and brushes and\, while studying the picture books she loved\, began le arning how to paint. Less than a decade later\, the self-taught artist&rsq uo\;s illustrations for <em>Kathleen Krull&rsquo\;s Harvesting Hope: The S tory of Cesar Chavez</em> skyrocketed her work to the top of best-books-of -the-year lists. Her artwork also earned her a Pura Belpr&eacute\; Honor\, as well as a Christopher Award and a Jane Addams Award. The first author- illustrator to be recognized by the Pura Belpr&eacute\; Committee three ti mes for her work\, Yuyi Morales now lives with her husband and teenage son in the San Francisco Bay Area\, where she continues to create acclaimed b ooks for children. DTSTAMP:20240601T211141Z SUMMARY:BOOKS & CONVERSATIONS: "Ladder to the Moon" by Maya Soetoro-Ng URL:/en/events/2011/04/20/books-conversations-ladder-to-the-moon-by-may/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR