BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20091017T000000Z DTEND:20091018T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>The Moving Architects&nbsp\;</strong> <strong>presents< /strong>\n<strong>The Tasting Room</strong>\n<strong>with Guest Artist&nbs p\;</strong> <strong><a href=" html" target="_blank">Ayako Kato</a> </strong>\n<strong>http://www.artunio</strong>\n<strong> ts.html\n </strong> \n October 16-17\, 2009 / 8pm\n \n October 18\, 2009 / 7pm\n \n <a href="" target="_blank">Links Hall</a>\n \n3435 N. Sheffield Ave.\n \n Chicago\, IL\n \n <a href="http://www.brownp" target="_blank">Tickets< /a> :&nbsp\;\n \n $15 online\, $18 at the door\n\nMore information about A yako Kato <strong><a href="" target="_bl ank"></a> </strong>\n\n&nbsp\;\n <strong ><em>The Tasting Room</em> </strong> &nbsp\;is a new evening of dance work s presented by The Moving Architects with choreography by Artistic Directo r Erin Carlisle Norton and guest performer/choreographer Ayako Kato.&nbsp\ ;&nbsp\;\n\nFeaturing the premiere of&nbsp\; <strong><em>Standing Girl wit h Raised Right Elbow</em> </strong> \, a tightly carved solo created and p erformed by Norton\, as well as&nbsp\; <strong><em>The New</em> </strong> \, an angular group piece with a mod flair and 60&rsquo\;s surf rock sound track.&nbsp\; Ayako Kato's new solo work&nbsp\; <strong><em>impression</em > </strong> seeks to illuminate new understandings of &quot\;the other&quo t\; through the body&rsquo\;s myriad movements.&nbsp\; Traveling from stag e to site-specific locations\, the evening will also include the cinematic premiere of Norton&rsquo\;s quartet&nbsp\; <strong><em>This Sandy Cube</e m> </strong> &nbsp\;by Filmmaker Jocelyn Kelvin. DTSTAMP:20240601T050102Z SUMMARY:The Moving Architects presents The Tasting Room with Guest Artist D ancer Ayako Kato URL:/en/events/2009/10/17/the-moving-architects-presents-the-tasting-room-w i/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR