BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20080126T000000Z DTEND:20080126T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Presented by the Okinawa Association of America\, Inc.\nSupport ed by the Okinawa Prefectural Government \nIn cooperation with Okinawa Tel evision Broadcasting Company\n\nShinichi Maehara\, Executive Director of O TV\nLecture on the Uchinanchu (Okinawan) community abroad and the Uchinanc hu Spirit\n"Sekai no Uchinanchu no Jijyou\; Uchinanchu no Chimugukuru"\n\n Saturday\, January 26\, 2008\n2:00pm - 4:00pm\nKen Nakaoka Center\n1700 W. 162nd Street\nGardena\, CA 90247\n$15.00 per person\n\nMr. Maehara\, who se career spans over 35 years in broadcasting\, is especially known for hi s extensive travels and reporting on the Okinawan community all over the w orld. One of his award-winning documentaries entitled\, "Shukusei Sareta O kinawa Kenjin" (1993) has its roots in the Los Angeles Okinawan community\ , as Maehara investigated what happened to five young Okinawans in 1932 af ter being deported to Russia prior to the frenzy of the McCarthy Era of th e 40s and 50s.\n\nAnother notable documentary was his piece on the small i solated Okinawan community in Cuba in 2000 which helped to reunite estrang ed families.\n\nToday\, many of the local Okinawan communities know him be st as the reporter who travels and profiles Okinawan members all over the world on the program\, "Uchinanchu Worldwide (or Sekai Uchinanchu Kikou).\ n\nTickets can be purchased in advance at the OAA Center\, 16500 S. Wester n Ave. #203\, Gardena\, 90247 or at the door. For more info\, call the OAA at (310) 532-1929 or email at\n\n DTSTAMP:20240601T171226Z SUMMARY:Lecture on "Uchinanchus (Okinawans) Abroad and the Uchinanchu Spiri t" URL:/en/events/2008/01/26/lecture-on-uchinanchus-okinawans-abroad-and-the-u c/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR