BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20080119T000000Z DTEND:20080119T000000Z DESCRIPTION:LOS ANGELES.—Steven Okazaki’s Academy Award nominated docum entary\, "Unfinished Business: The Japanese American Internment" (1986) \, will screen on Saturday\, January 19\, at 2 p.m. at the Japanese American National Museum\, with Professor Mitch Maki providing special tours of th e exhibition\, Common Ground: The Heart of Community\, to provides histori c context for the documentary that focuses on appeal of the wrongful convi ctions of three Japanese Americans during World War II.\n\n"Unfinished Bus iness" looked at the coram nobis cases of Gordon Hirabayashi\, Fred Korema tsu and Minoru Yasui\, all who were convicted of violating government rest rictions against Japanese American during the war\, and all who lost their appeals to the Supreme Court. In the 1980s\, a law historian named Peter Irons along with a researcher named Aiko Herzig-Yoshinaga\, uncovered evid ence that the government had distorted or withheld information that would have been relevant to these cases.\n\nIrons contacted the trio\, all who a greed to appeal their convictions through the obscure writ of error coram nobis. Each of the individuals would file their appeals in the cities wher e they were arrested and three Sansei lawyers agreed to head the appeals\, including Dale Minami (Korematsu\, San Francisco)\, Peggy Nagae (Yasui\, Portland) and Katherine Bannai (Hirabayashi\, Seattle).\n\nOkazaki\, who w on an Academy Award for his short documentary\, "Days of Waiting" (1990)\, about a Caucasian artist who accompanied her Japanese American husband in to a government-run camp during the war\, captures Hirabayashi\, Korematsu and Yasui with their lawyers as the appeals process moves forward. \n\nPr of. Maki\, co-author of Achieving the Impossible Dream: How Japanese Ameri cans Obtained Redress\, will provide historic context on how these cases s et the stage for the Civil Liberties Act of 1988\, which provided an offic ial apology and reparations to thousands of Japanese Americans wrongfully forced to leave their homes by the government. In his book\, Maki notes th at the coram nobis cases were instrumental in arguing for Japanese America n redress. He will provide information on all of the cases\, particularly for Hirabayashi\, whose case was ultimately resolved in 1988. Professor Ma ki will provide tours at both 1 and 3:30 p.m.\n\nThis program is the first of a series under the umbrella of the National Museum’s “Redress Reme mbered: A Moment of National Redemption”\, in which the subject of the C ivil Liberties Act of 1988 and its ramifications today are examined. Besid es a series of public programs\, the National Museum’s Annual Gala Dinne r\, set for April 19\, 2008\, has the theme\, "Fulfilling the Promise of A merica: Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the Civil Liberties Act of 198 8". As part of its multi-state project\, Enduring Communities: The Japanes e American Experience in Arizona\, Colorado\, New Mexico\, Texas\, and Uta h\, the National Museum is organizing the national conference\, "Whose Ame rica? Who’s American? Diversity\, Social Justice and Civil Liberties"\, set for Denver\, Colorado\, on July 3-6\, 2008. Much of programming will f ocus on the subject of redress.\n\nThis public program is free to National Museum members or with general admission. To make reservations or for mor e information on “Redress Remembered”\, call the Japanese American Nat ional Museum at (213) 625-0414\, or go to\n DTSTAMP:20240602T110302Z SUMMARY:'Unfinished Business' Screening Kicks Off National Museum Redress S eries on January 19 URL:/en/events/2008/01/19/unfinished-business-screening-kicks-off-national- m/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR