Discover Nikkei

Coming to America (Japanese)

(Japanese) I got on the American ship and thought I would go to America. I waited to go. Then my older sister in America sent me identification, and I came to America when I was 19 years old. My sister was a picture bride. She was in Winters.


Date: October 14 & 17, 2004

Location: California, US

Interviewer: Eriko Yamamoto

Contributed by: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum.

Interviewee Bio

Kazuo Funai, 104-year-old pioneer Issei from Wakayama Prefecture in Japan, owned and operated a market on Central Avenue in Los Angeles. In 1941, prior to the outbreak of World War II, Mr. Funai had made arrangements to move to Tokyo to set up a business enterprise. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, he was unable to travel to Japan and was financially ruined. In addition, he and his family were incarcerated in an American concentration camp. He survived these obstacles to later start several successful businesses.

Mr. Funai passed away on Thursday, March 3, 2005 at the age of 105. (August 16, 2005)


Impressions from interviews with Issei women (Japanese)

Tsuda College President, researcher of Nikkei history


The differences between Japanese women who emigrated from Japan and those who did not (Japanese)

Tsuda College President, researcher of Nikkei history


Interest in Japanese migration studies (Japanese)

Tsuda College President, researcher of Nikkei history


History of her family's immigration (Spanish)

(b. 1969) Former president of Centro Nikkei Argentino.


Moving to and living in Japan

Japanese American Creative designer living in Japan


The reason to stay in Japan after his third year

Japanese American Creative designer living in Japan


From the "middle" Nikkei (Spanish)

(b. 1950) Nisei Chilean, Businessman


The various realities of Nikkei in Latin America (Spanish)

(b. 1950) Nisei Chilean, Businessman


Reasons for immigrating to Brazil (Japanese)

Issei, Pioneer of women's education in Brazil

Hattori,Paula Hoyos

The arrival of her grandpa (Spanish)

Sansei Argentinean


Initial struggles with the language barrier (Japanese)

(b. 1917) Okinawan, Issei Argentinean


Decided to leave Japan to Argentina (Spanish)

(1925-2014) La Plata Hochi, Journalist


Tango makes him to stay in Argentina (Spanish)

(1925-2014) La Plata Hochi, Journalist


Leaving to Argentina (Spanish)

(1925-2014) La Plata Hochi, Journalist


Decision to settle in Argentina after WWII (Spanish)

(b. 1929) Nisei Argentinean