BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20240601T000000Z DTEND:20240601T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Experience the debut of the Tippsy Sake Fest on June 1st at the Japanese American Cultural &amp\; Community Center in downtown LA. \n<st rong>\n</strong>\nThe event puts education and exploration first\, redefin ing the sake experience. Premium brands like IWA\, Dassai\, HEAVENSAKE\, S enkin\, and Akabu are on display in carefully curated themed booths\, wher e visitors can sample an endless amount of sake to discover its varied fla vors. \n<strong>\n</strong>\nBut the excitement doesn't end there! Enter our raffle for a chance to win free roundtrip airfare to Japan\, courtesy of H.I.S. via United Airlines\, or test your palate in a blind tasting com petition with luxury sake prizes valued at over $400. \n<strong>\n</stron g>\nFor a VIP experience\, indulge in sake and food pairings crafted by Ha nsei Chef Chris Ono. Choose from two sessions on June 1st\, from 11 a.m. t o 2 p.m. or 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. \n<strong>\n</strong>\nEach ticket includes unlimited sake tastings for three hours\, a Tippsy branded sake glass\, an d authentic Japanese snacks. Don't miss this epic celebration of sake\, sp irits\, food\, and fun - get your tickets now and join us at the Tippsy Sa ke Fest!\n<strong>\n</strong>\nGeneral Admission: $95 (Early bird: $75 unt il Monday\, May 20)\nGroups of 6 or more: $85.50 per person (Early bird: $ 65.50 until Monday\, May 20)\n<a href=" ake-club">Sake Club</a> member GA: $85.50 (Early bird: $65.50 until Monday \, May 20)\n \n\n DTSTAMP:20240603T055954Z SUMMARY:Tippsy Sake Fest URL:/en/events/2024/06/01/tippsy-sake-fest/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR