BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20230318T000000Z DTEND:20230318T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong><span style="color: #c21313\;">Tickets to this program include admission to JANM for Saturday\, March 18\, 2023. Pricing reflects general museum admission pricing. Learn more about visiting JANM at <a h ref=""></a>.</strong>\n\nJoin auth or <strong>David Mas Masumoto</strong> and artist <strong>Patricia Waki da</strong> for the launch of their new book <em>Secret Harvests: A Hidd en Story of Separation\, Silence\, Shame\, and the Resilience of a Family Farm</em>. They will be joined in reading\, reflection\, and discussion by  <strong>Sean Miura</strong>\, producer and lead curator of Tuesday Night Cafe.\n\n<em>The JANM Book Club is a series of Public Programs that highl ight important new literary works related to Japanese American history and culture.</em>\n<em></em>\n<a href=" 4p/tickets?tab=2&amp\;txobjid=ee78a123-e6f3-4ad7-b675-77d2c15a8da9">RSVP N OW</a>\n<strong>ABOUT THE BOOK:</strong>\nI discovered a “lost” aunt\, separated from our family due to racism and discrimination against the di sabled. She had a mental disability due to childhood meningitis. She was t aken away in 1942 when all Japanese Americans were considered the enemy an d imprisoned. She then became a “ward” of the state. We believed she h ad died\, but 70 years later found her alive and living a few miles from o ur family farm. How did she survive? Why was she kept hidden? How did both shame and resilience empower my family to forge forward in a land that di d not want them? I am haunted and driven to explore my identity and the me aning of family—especially as farmers tied to the land. I uncover family secrets that bind us to a sense of history buried in the earth that we wo rk and a sense of place that defines us.\n\n<em>Secret Harvests: A Hidden Story of Separation\, Silence\, Shame\, and the Resilience of a Family Far m</em> is available at the JANM Store. <a href=" oducts/secret-harvests-a-hidden-story-of-separation-and-the-resilience-of- a-family-farm?_pos=2&amp\;_sid=08b966bb9&amp\;_ss=r">BUY NOW</a> DTSTAMP:20240605T005958Z SUMMARY:JANM Book Club: Secret Harvests with David Mas Masumoto and Patrici a Wakida URL:/en/events/2023/03/18/janm-book-club-secret-harvests-with-david-mas-mas / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR