BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20210427T000000Z DTEND:20210427T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Tuesday\, April 27</strong>\n<strong>&nbsp\; &nbsp\; &n bsp\;4 p.m.&ndash\;4:30 p.m. (PDT)</strong>\n<strong>&nbsp\; &nbsp\; &nbsp \;8 p.m.&ndash\;8:30 p.m. (Buenos Aires)</strong>\n<strong>&nbsp\; &nbsp\; &nbsp\;April 28 &bull\; 8 a.m.&ndash\;8:30 a.m. (Tokyo)</strong>\n<strong ></strong>\n<strong>FREE</strong>\n\n&ldquo\;Nima&rdquo\; are members of t he Discover Nikkei online community. Hailing from all around the world\, t hey each bring unique experiences and perspectives to the site&rsquo\;s ri ch archive of stories.&nbsp\;\n\n<strong><em>Nima Voices</em> </strong> is an interview series where we uplift our Nima through brief\, but enlighte ning\, interviews. Join us for our first Spanish language episode! Hear fr om Discover Nikkei contributor <strong>Juan Alberto Matsumoto</strong> as he is interviewed by our guest host\, <strong>M&oacute\;nica Kogiso</stron g> . Alberto and M&oacute\;nica are both Nisei\, originally from Escobar\, Argentina. They will be talking about Japanese Argentinean communities an d Latin American Nikkei in Japan.\n\n<strong>Juan Alberto Matsumoto</stron g> moved to Japan in 1990 where he is the founding CEO of Idea Network Con sulting\, a Spanish lecturer at Shizuoka Prefectural University and Latin American Economy &amp\; Law at Dokkyo University\, judicial interpreter at Tokyo &amp\; Yokohama Court\, columnist for <em>Mercado Latino &amp\; Lat in-a Magazine</em> \, and Latin American Nikkei scholarships&rsquo\; instr uctor at JICA Yokohama International Center. He is a veteran of the Malvin as War. Alberto has been a consultant and contributor to Discover Nikkei s ince 2007. <a href="/es/journal/author/matsumoto-alberto/"><strong>Read hi s articles here</strong> </a> before tuning in for this live interview and Q&amp\;A on the Discover Nikkei YouTube channel.\n\n<a href="/es/journal/ author/kogiso-monica/"><strong>Monica Kogiso</strong> </a> is a communicat or and cultural bridge between Japan and Argentina. She is a production co ordinator for Japanese media and organizes trips and events that promote t ies among various peoples and cultures. She is a former president of Centr o Nikkei Argentino\, and participates actively in the Panamerican Nikkei A ssociation. She promotes and works to support the development of Nikkei yo uth leaders in Argentina and Latin America. She has been a longtime collab orator with Discover Nikkei.\n\nWatch the program live on the Discover Nik kei&nbsp\;<a href="">YouTube ch annel</a>&nbsp\;on April 27\, 2021 at 4 p.m. (PDT).&nbsp\;<strong><em>This episode will be in Spanish only.</em> </strong>\n<em></em>\n<em>We encour age you to subscribe to our channel&nbsp\;so you will be notified when the video is streaming live.</em> DTSTAMP:20240601T113027Z SUMMARY:Discover Nikkei’s Nima Voices: Episode 4—Juan Alberto Matsumoto URL:/en/events/2021/04/27/discover-nikkeis-nima-voices-episode-4juan-albe/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR