BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20200222T000000Z DTEND:20200222T000000Z DESCRIPTION:At our Appointment Based Information Session\, learn about our upcoming Spring-Summer Semester for Pre-School\, After School\, and Saturd ay Classes. You will have the opportunity to meet and speak with the Instr uctor! You will also learn more about our school.\n\n-PRESCHOOL CLASS (Age s 3-6)\n-SATURDAY JAPANESE LANGUAGE CLASS (Ages 10-Adults)\n-AFTER SCHOOL JAPANESE LANGUAGE CLASS (Ages 4-10)\nPlease schedule a time slot for your appointment. &nbsp\;This information session is a one-on-one session with the instructor\, to get to know the instructor and for the instructor to g et to know you as well as your child. Appointments are only about 15-20 mi nutes\; 30 min max depending on if you have any questions for the Instruct or.&nbsp\;&nbsp\; Contact us via Facebook Messenger (Agape Japanese Langua ge School)\, or email (<a href="mailto:rina@AgapeJapaneseLanguageSchool.or g"></a>) or you can even text at 206-9 92-0567 to schedule your time slot.\n\nThis is a one on one session\; to p rovide 100% focus on each student who are interested in learning Japanese Language with us.&nbsp\;\n*PLENTY OF FREE PARKING AVAILABLE\n\nFacebook Ev ent: <a href="">https://ww</a>\n\nWebsite: <a href="https://ww">https ://</ a>\n\n&nbsp\;\n DTSTAMP:20240602T060650Z SUMMARY:Japanese Language School Information Session URL:/en/events/2020/02/22/japanese-language-school-information-session/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR