BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20190919T000000Z DTEND:20190919T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong><span style="color: #c21313\;">FREE</strong>\n\nAn ad m an coined the phrase &ldquo\;a picture is worth a thousand words&rdquo\; i n the 1920s to emphasize the power of graphics to compel the viewer to ado pt an idea or buy a product. But a picture can also be the springboard for new interpretations and the reimagination of the physical object\, people \, or places depicted. In that spirit\, we reached out to ten literary art s practitioners to visit the&nbsp\;<em>At First Light: The Dawning of Asia n Pacific America</em>&nbsp\;exhibition and select one still or moving ima ge sequence on display that resonates with them and sparks their creative juices. They were then asked to compose an original five-minute performanc e piece based on that image.\n\nMusicians Dom Magwili and Tajii Miyagawa w ill provide the opening and closing for this special evening where the pow er of words\, images\, and performance meld into an experience of inventio n\, reflection\, and inspiration.\n\n<strong>ARTISTS:</strong>&nbsp\;Teres a Mei Chuc\, Naomi Hirahara\, Miya Iwataki\, traci kato-kiriyama\, Kenji L iu\, Koji Steven Sakai\, Irene Soriano\, Amy Uyematsu\, Eric Wat\, and Sta n Yogi.\n\nThis program is presented in conjunction with&nbsp\;<em>At Firs t Light: The Dawning of Asian Pacific America</em>. It is free\, but RSVPs are recommended. For more information about the program and the participa nts\,&nbsp\;<a href="" target="_blan k"><strong>read the press release</strong></a>. For updates\, please visit &nbsp\;<a href="" target="_blank"></a>.\n\n <a href="\;txobj id=e21f15bb-9249-4051-9cb2-a67473418fc2" target="_blank">RSVP NOW &gt\;&gt \;</a>\n<a href=" p\;txobjid=e21f15bb-9249-4051-9cb2-a67473418fc2" target="_blank"></a>\n<em >Photo: Members of UCLA&rsquo\;s Nikkei Student Union sing to demand tenur e for the school&rsquo\;s sociology professor Don&nbsp\;T. Nakanishi durin g a May 1988 rally at the front steps of historic Campbell Hall\, near the exact location where Black Panther Party members and UCLA honors students &ldquo\;Bunchy&rdquo\; Carter and John Huggins were gunned down in Januar y 1969. (Abraham Ferrer/Visual Communications Photographic Archive)</em>\n <em>In the Tateuchi Democracy Forum</em>\n<em>\n</em>\n\nIn conjunction wi th the exhibition&nbsp\;<a href=" ht/"><em>At First Light: The Dawning of Asian Pacific America</em></a>\n<s trong></strong><em></em><em></em> DTSTAMP:20240602T103452Z SUMMARY:REFLECTIONS/REFRACTIONS—Ten Works Inspired by <em>At First Light< /em> URL:/en/events/2019/09/19/reflectionsrefractionsten-works-inspired-by-em/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR