BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20190312T000000Z DTEND:20190312T000000Z DESCRIPTION:If you've eaten Japanese food\, you've almost certainly had&nbs p\;<em>dashi</em>. This broth is a fundamental element of Japanese cooking \, imparting that elusive&nbsp\;<em>umami</em>&nbsp\;quality to many belov ed dishes\, from home cooking to haute cuisine.&nbsp\;<em>Kombu</em>&nbsp\ ;(kelp)\, shiitake mushrooms\,&nbsp\;<em>katsuobushi</em>&nbsp\;(dried bon ito)&mdash\;so many flavorful ingredients can be the base for this simple yet essential broth. At this talk\, Chef&nbsp\;<strong>Mitsuru Kita</stron g>\, Japanese food consultant and owner of Cook de Kita LLC\, discusses&nb sp\;<em>dashi</em>&nbsp\;flavor profiles\, ingredients and cooking tips.&n bsp\;\n<em>Followed by a dashi sampling reception. This program will be pr esented in Japanese with consecutive interpretation in English.</em> DTSTAMP:20240604T064818Z SUMMARY:A Dash of Dashi: The Secret to Umami URL:/en/events/2019/03/12/a-dash-of-dashi-the-secret-to-umami/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR