BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20190212T000000Z DTEND:20190212T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Since President Trump took office\, trade has been a subject of serious discussion around the world. Trump has been seeking to strike num erous bilateral deals\, as opposed to regional and multilateral accords. J apan\, one of the United States&rsquo\; closest allies\, also remains wary about the overall economic impact of Trump&rsquo\;s trade policy. The Uni ted States has called for bilateral trade talks with Japan in order to red uce America&rsquo\;s trade deficit. How will Trump address the country&rsq uo\;s trade deficit with Japan? Will Trump impose steep tariffs on importe d Japanese automobiles and components? In this program\, experts discuss c urrent and future U.S.-Japan trade relations\, and the possibility of a bi lateral trade deal between the two countries.&nbsp\;\n<strong></strong>\n< strong>Speakers:</strong>\n<strong></strong>\n<strong>Mireya Solis</strong >\, Director\, Center for East Asia Policy Studies\; Senior Fellow\, Forei gn Policy\, Center for East Asia Policy Studies\, Philip Knight Chair in J apan Studies\, Brookings Institution\n<strong></strong>\n<strong>Shujiro U rata</strong>\, Professor of Economics\, Graduate School of Asia-Pacific S tudies\, Waseda University\; Faculty Fellow\, Research Institute of Econom y\, Trade\, and Industry (RIETI)\; Specially Appointed Fellow\, Japanese C entre for Economic Research (JCER)\; Senior Research Advisor\, Economic Re search Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA)\n<strong></strong>\n<stron g>Moderator:</strong>\n<strong></strong>\n<strong>Jathon Sapsford</strong> \, Deputy Washington Bureau Chief\, Enterprise\, The Wall Street Journal&n bsp\;\n<strong></strong>\n<strong>Agenda:</strong>\n\n12-12:30 PM\nRegistr ation and Reception\n\n12:30-1 PM\nLuncheon\n\n1-2:15 PM\nDiscussion and Q &amp\;A\n\n<strong>Admission:</strong>\nNon-Corporate members: $65 lunch & amp\; lecture/$20 lecture only\nJapan Society Corporate Members: Free\, up to designated number of tickets\; additional tickets $45 lunch &amp\; lec ture/$15 lecture only\nJapan Society Individual Members at Patron Circle l evel and above: $45 lunch &amp\; lecture/$15 lecture only\nAcademic and go vernment: $35 lunch &amp\; lecture/$15 lecture only&nbsp\;\nSeating is ava ilable on a first come\, first served basis.&nbsp\;\n<em>Prepayment must b e made with a credit card. All cancellations must be made at least 48 hour s prior to the event</em>&nbsp\;\nFor more information\, please contact th e Business and Policy Program at 212-715-1208 or email&nbsp\;<a href="mail"></a>.&nbsp\; DTSTAMP:20240603T121311Z SUMMARY:U.S.-Japan Trade: Where is It Heading? URL:/en/events/2019/02/12/us-japan-trade-where-is-it-heading/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR