BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20181218T000000Z DTEND:20181218T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The landfill operation resumed to build a new U.S. military bas e in the Henoko Oura Bay in Okinawa\, Japan. The utterly irresponsible\, s enseless construction is destroying the pristine marine environment which many endangered species call home.\n\nThis is an urgent call for support. There is an&nbsp\;<strong><a href=" on/stop-landfill-henoko-oura-bay-until-referendum-can-be-held-okinawa?fbcl id=IwAR1CLlhL-sAxOVX-ZM8Zt2bC9QS5wmpsGksB7iuFfutKwyNXS5d7CQcUfdI" target=" _blank">online petition</a></strong>&nbsp\;to the White House underway to stop the construction until a democratic referendum can be held. We need 1 00\,000 signatures by January 7\, 2019.\n\nWe have launched the National D ay of Solidarity for Okinawa. On Tuesday\, December 18\, in multiple citie s across the U.S.\, events and actions to support Okinawa and to raise awa reness about the issue are being organized.&nbsp\;\n\nIn Los Angeles\, we are screening the documentary film\,&nbsp\;<strong>"Henoko Oura Bay\, the Sea of Life"</strong>&nbsp\;(English subtitles).&nbsp\;There will be oppor tunities to sign the online petition and to discuss what is next for the m ovement.&nbsp\;\n\nPlease join us. It is a free event\, and we need every single one of you. Together we can stop this.\n\n<strong>Location:</strong >&nbsp\;<a href="" target="_blank">Google Map</a>&nbsp\;<em>(seating is limited to 100 people)\n</em>\n<strong>Parki ng (Limited):</strong>&nbsp\;There is parking behind the building. Please enter from Sepulveda Blvd.\, north of the Ramada Inn. There is a driveway on the left of the building.\n\n<strong>For more information\, please emai l&nbsp\;\n</strong>\n<a href=" /Y6IAHUf0Abk" target="_blank">Clips from the documentary</a> DTSTAMP:20240607T020014Z SUMMARY:Okinawa Documentary Screening "Henoko/Oura Bay: The Sea of Life" URL:/en/events/2018/12/18/okinawa-documentary-screening-henokooura-bay-th/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR