BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20180719T000000Z DTEND:20180719T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Japanese American Museum of San Jose\n <span style="background- color: initial\;">535 N. Fifth Street\n <span style="background-color: in itial\;">San Jose\, CA 95112\n\nThis documentary is the story of Japanese diplomat&nbsp\;<span style="background-color: initial\;">Chiune Sugihara\, consul to Lithuania during World&nbsp\; <span style="background-color: in itial\;">War II\, who defied Tokyo authorities and wrote&nbsp\; <span styl e="background-color: initial\;">transit visas allowing Jewish families to flee Europe&nbsp\; <span style="background-color: initial\;">to Japan and other countries.\n\nFree with museum admission:\n <span style="background- color: initial\;">Adults - $8\n <span style="background-color: initial\;" >Seniors and Students $5\n <span style="background-color: initial\;">JAMs j Members - Free DTSTAMP:20240601T100818Z SUMMARY:Sugihara - Conspiracy of Kindness URL:/en/events/2018/07/19/sugihara-conspiracy-of-kindness/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR