BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20171022T000000Z DTEND:20171022T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Nihonmachi Little Friends (NLF) will hold its fourth &ldquo\;Bi g Steps for Little Friends 5K Run/Walk&rdquo\; on Sunday\, October 22\, 20 17\, at Lindley Meadows in Golden Gate Park.&nbsp\;Proceeds from this fund raising event will benefit the children&rsquo\;s programs of NLF and their building project\, the Plant a Seed Campaign (PASC).\n\nRegistration for the event can be accessed through NLF&rsquo\;s website at <a href="http://"></a>.&nbsp\; On the day of the Event\, the 5K run will start at 9:00am with check-in beginning at 8:00am in Lindley Meadows &nbsp\;&nbsp\;Walkers will start at 9:30am\, with check -in beginning at 8:30am in Lindley Meadows and will conclude by 11:00am. & nbsp\;Following the run and walk\, participants can enjoy breakfast/brunch refreshments\, meet up with old and new friends\, or participant in some Zumba\, all in Lindley Meadows.&nbsp\; Each participant will be entered in to a drawing for an iPad Mini.&nbsp\;\n\nContributions to NLF or its Plant a Seed Campaign can be made on-line through NLF&rsquo\;s website\, or mai led directly to NLF at 1830 Sutter Street\, S.F.\, 94115.&nbsp\; Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. &nbsp\;For more informat ion\, contact NLF at (415) 922-8898 or via email\, <a href="mailto:nlfchil"></a>.&nbsp\; DTSTAMP:20240605T195229Z SUMMARY:Big Steps for Little Friends 5K Run/Walk URL:/en/events/2017/10/22/big-steps-for-little-friends-5k-runwalk/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR