BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20170617T000000Z DTEND:20170617T000000Z DESCRIPTION:On <strong>Saturday\, June 17th\, 2PM\,</strong> the <strong><a href="" target="_blank">Okinawa Association of Ameri ca (OAA)</a> in Gardena</strong> invites you to a special event focusing o n World War II&rsquo\;s Battle of Okinawa. (RSVP is required due to limite d seating/parking)\n\nDesignated as a prefectural memorial day by the Okin awa Government\, Irei no Hi* commemorates the end of the devastating &ldqu o\;Typhoon of Steel&rdquo\; in 1945. Every year\, Okinawans remember and h onor the nearly 150\,000 Okinawan civilians who died (approx. 1/3 of the p refecture&rsquo\;s pre-war population).\n\nThe June 17th event will featre special guest speakers including <strong>Robert Akers Martin</strong>\, w ho\, as a 19-year-old soldier in the U.S. 6th Marine Division\, experience d the battle firsthand. Encouraged by his family to share his story\, he r ecently self-published a daily journal that he kept during the 100 days he spent in Okinawa.\n\nThere will also be a screening of an animated docume ntary called &ldquo\;Himeyuri.&rdquo\; The 30-minute film (Japanese with E nglish subtitles) is based on the harrowing testimonies of Okinawan women who\, as high school students during the war\, were forced to become nurse s for the Japanese Imperial Army. A DVD and English guidebook were donated to the OAA by the Himeyuri Peace Museum in Itoman City\, Okinawa.\n\nThe program will begin at 2:00 PM at the OAA Center in Gardena\, Yamauchi Buil ding (16500 South Western Avenue\; building on the corner of Western/166th ). Admission is free for current OAA members and $5 for the public. Due to limited space\, priority seating will be given to those who RSVP by June 16th:\, 310-532-1929.\n\n<em><span style="-webkit-tex t-stroke-width: initial\;">* The date of Irei no Hi is June 25th</em> DTSTAMP:20240604T140313Z SUMMARY:Irei no Hi: Remembering the Battle of Okinawa URL:/en/events/2017/06/17/irei-no-hi-remembering-the-battle-of-okinawa/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR