BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20141019T000000Z DTEND:20141019T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<span style="line-height: 1.45em\;">At the turn of the century \, Japanese immigrant poet Yone Noguchi\, the father of renown Asian Amer ican sculptor Isamu Noguchi\, took a number of rather unconventional and contradictory actions. He:&nbsp\;\n<span style="line-height: 1.45em\;">\n \n<ul><li>Wrote love letters to western writer Charles Warren Stoddard</li ><li>Impregnated editor Leonie Gilmour</li><li>Proposed marriage to journa list Ethel Armes</li></ul>\n\n Join us as author Dr. Sueyoshi discusses h er work and the complex interaction between lived sexualities and socio-l egal mores\, tracing how one man negotiated affection across cultural\, l inguistic\, and moral divides to find fulfillment in unconventional yet a cceptable ways.\n\n<span style="line-height: 1.45em\;"> Dr. Sueyoshi's boo k\, <em>Queer Compulsions: Race\, Nation\, and Sexuality in the Affairs of Yone Noguchi</em> unveils Noguchi's interracial and same-sex affairs to a ssert that Asian Americans found romantic fulfillment even within a Calif ornia which was reportedly anti-Japanese and heteronormative*. Moreover\, Asians and Pacific Islanders would play a critical role in defining what attraction and affection meant within America's supposedly all-white boh emian community. \n \n<span style="line-height: 1.45em\;">\n\n<span s tyle="line-height: 1.45em\;"> Noguchi's intimate life illustrates how seem ingly sex-segregated worlds of &quot\;romantic friendships&quot\; collide d in desire and deception. While Noguchi's affairs seem to resist existin g mores\, they powerfully reflected gender\, racial\, and imperial realit ies of the time. Most notably\, he manipulated race\, gender\, and sexual ity in his quest for personal happiness. \n \n<span style="line-height: 1.45em\;"> <em>*Of\, relating to\, or based on the attitude that heterose xuality is the only normal and natural expression of sexuality (Merriam W ebster)</em>\n\n<span style="line-height: 1.45em\;"> <em><strong>DR. AMY S UEYOSHI</strong> is the associate dean of the College of Ethnic Studies a t San Francisco State University. Dr. Sueyoshi is a historian by training \, specializing in sexuality\, gender\, and race. She has published and l ectured on a number of issues regarding race and sexuality\, including cr oss-dressing\, pornography\, and marriage equality.</em>\n\n<p style="text -align: left\;"><span style="line-height: 1.45em\;"> Cost: Free with admis sion to the museum (non-members\, $5\; students and seniors over age 65\, $3\; JAMsj members and children under 12\, free). \n<span style="line-hei ght: 1.45em\;">RSVP: Contact <a style="line-height: 1.45em\;" href="mailt"></a> <span style="line -height: 1.45em\;"> or call (408) 294-3138 to reserve a spot.\n\n<p style= "text-align: left\;"><span style="line-height: 1.45em\;">\n\n<span style=" line-height: 1.45em\;"> In celebration of LGBT History Month\, the <strong >San Jose JACL</strong> is presenting a program immediately after ours.&n bsp\; At 3:00 p.m. at the San Jose JACL (Issei Memorial Building\, 565 N. Fifth Street):&nbsp\; <strong>&ldquo\;Looking for Jiro Onuma: Queer Persp ectives on Wartime Incarceration&rdquo\;</strong> featuring Dr. Tina Takem oto\, explores the hidden dimensions of same-sex intimacy and queer sexu& shy\;ality for Japanese Americans incarcerated during WWII.&nbsp\; <em>Se ating is limited to 70. For more information call the SJ JACL office at ( 408) 295-1250&nbsp\; or email Iris Lou at</em>\n\ n DTSTAMP:20240601T173029Z SUMMARY:Queer Compulsions: Race\, Nation\, and Sexuality in the Affairs of Yone Noguchi\, URL:/en/events/2014/10/19/queer-compulsions-race-nation-and-sexuality-in/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR