BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20140524T000000Z DTEND:20140524T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The first in a new series by Naomi Hirahara featuring LAPD bicy cle cop Ellie Rush! \n \n Bike cop Ellie Rush dreams of becoming a homici de detective\, but it&rsquo\;s still a shock when the first dead body she encounters on the job is that of a former college classmate. \n \n At th e behest of her Aunt Cheryl Toma\, the highest-ranking Asian American off icer in the LAPD (a source of pride for Ellie&rsquo\;s grandmother\, but annoyance to her mom)\, Ellie becomes tangled in the investigation of the coed&rsquo\;s murder&mdash\;with equal parts help and hindrance from her nosy best friend\, her over-involved ex-boyfriend\, a smoldering detectiv e\, and seemingly everyone else in her extended family&hellip\;only to un cover secrets that a killer may go to any lengths to ensure stay hidden.\ n\n<strong>For more up-to-date information about this event\, please visit the Japanese American National Museums' events page: </strong> <a href="h ttp://" target="_blank"> /events/2014/05/#24</a> DTSTAMP:20240601T232424Z SUMMARY:Murder on Bamboo Lane by Naomi Hirahara URL:/en/events/2014/05/24/murder-on-bamboo-lane-by-naomi-hirahara/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR