BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20140104T000000Z DTEND:20140104T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<blockquote>\n\n<blockquote>\n\nRing in the new year by joining the Book Club at JAMsj on Saturday\, January 4\, 2014 when&nbsp\;<em>The< /em>&nbsp\;<em>House on Lemon Street&nbsp\;</em>by Mark Rawitsch will be d iscussed. The book begins in 1915 when&nbsp\;Jukichi and Ken Harada purcha sed a house on Lemon Street in Riverside\, California. Close to their rest aurant\, church\, and children's school\, the house should have been a saf e and healthy family home. Before the purchase\, White neighbors objected because of the Haradas' Japanese ancestry\, and the California Alien Land Law denied them real estate ownership because they were not citizens. To b ypass the law\, Mr. Harada bought the house in the names of his three youn gest children\, who were American-born citizens. Neighbors protested again \, resulting in the first Japanese American court test of the California A lien Land Law of 1913 --&nbsp\;<em>The People of California</em>&nbsp\;v.& nbsp\;<em>Jukichi Harada</em>.\n\nBringing this little-known story to ligh t\,&nbsp\;<em>The House on Lemon Street</em>&nbsp\;details the Haradas' de cision to fight for the American dream. Chronicling their experiences from their immigration to the United States through their legal battle over th eir home\, their incarceration during World War II\, and their lives after the war\, this book tells the story of the family's participation in the struggle for human and civil rights\, social justice\, property and legal rights\, and fair treatment of immigrants in the United States.\n\nThe Har ada family's quest for acceptance illuminates the deep underpinnings of an ti-Asian animus\, which set the stage for Executive Order 9066\, and recog nizes fundamental elements of our nation's anti-immigrant history that con tinue to shape the American story. It will be worthwhile for anyone intere sted in the Japanese American experience in the twentieth century\, immigr ation history\, public history\, and law.\n\nThe Book Club meets the first Saturday of every other month\, 1:00 pm at JAMsj. Selections align with J AMsj's focus on Japanese American art\, history\, and culture and are sele cted collaboratively at the end of each meeting. Meetings are open to the general public and books are available for purchase at the Museum Store. Q uestions? Contact Book Club facilitator\, Aggie Idemoto:&nbsp\;<a href="ht tp:// =1&amp\;messageId=MjY1MUx7GEhyNgyoVGwgQ6RmZ5wfkEoJ&amp\;purpose=display&am p\;bodyType=htmlNoExternals&amp\;reloadHack0.10610025003552437=true#">aggi</a>&nbsp\;or&nbsp\;<a href=" .73.1.0/rms/\;messageId=MjY1MUx7GEhyNg yoVGwgQ6RmZ5wfkEoJ&amp\;purpose=display&amp\;bodyType=htmlNoExternals&amp\ ;reloadHack0.10610025003552437=true#">(408) 294-3138</a>\n\n</blockquote>\ n\n</blockquote> DTSTAMP:20240602T093945Z SUMMARY:JAMsj Book Club to Discuss House on Lemon Street URL:/en/events/2014/01/04/jamsj-book-club-to-discuss-house-on-lemon-street/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR