BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130223T000000Z DTEND:20130223T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<em><a href=" ograms">Coming Home</a></em> speaker series:\n\n<strong>Japanese American Imprisonment and Resettlement: The Power of Our Stories</strong>\n<strong> </strong><em>Lecture by Brian Komei Dempster\, followed by a question and answer session and book signing</em>\n\nSaturday\, February 23\, 2013\, 2: 00 p.m.\n <em>Free\, open to the public</em>\n\nIn this presentation\, Uni versity of San Francisco professor Brian Komei Dempster will speak to the critical importance of storytelling for Japanese Americans and the power o f writing to document\, empower\, and heal. A Sansei (third-generation Jap anese American)\, Dempster will share his experiences of designing communi ty-based writing workshops for and collaboratively working with a group of mostly Nisei Japanese Americans who were imprisoned during World War II i n America's concentration camps. Tracing the evolution of this dynamic and intergenerational writing project\, Dempster will describe the pedagogica l model he utilized along with the rewards and challenges of the creative process for both he and the Nisei writers. Dempster will show how the two anthologies that emerged &ndash\;&nbsp\;<em>From Our Side of the Fence: Gr owing Up in America's Concentration Camps</em>&nbsp\;(Kearny Street Worksh op\, 2001) and&nbsp\;<em>Making Home from War: Stories of Japanese America n Exile and Resettlement</em>&nbsp\;(Heyday\, 2011) &ndash\; are vital too ls towards realization of the project's primary goal: to get other Japanes e Americans to tell their own stories. This presentation will be held at t he University of Oregon\, Portland\, Event Room 142/144.\n\n<em><strong>Co ming Home: Voices of Return and Resettlement\, 1945-1965</strong></em>&nbs p\;is an exhibit that traces the reestablishment of the Japanese American community in Oregon after World War II and examines the injustices of war- time relocation. The&nbsp\;<em>Coming Home</em>&nbsp\;exhibition has been woven from personal stories of return and resettlement by Nikkei &mdash\; men\, women\, and children of Japanese descent &mdash\; forced from their Oregon farms and homes and incarcerated as "enemies" during World War II. Most were American citizens. Many had lost everything. Determination and m emories of place\, family and community guided them home. Visit&nbsp\;<a h ref="">www.oregonnikkei.or g</a>&nbsp\;to learn more about&nbsp\;<em>Coming Home</em>.\n\nThis exhibi tion and programming are made possible in part by the Oregon Heritage Comm ission and Oregon Parks and Recreation Department\; Oregon Humanities (OH) \, a statewide nonprofit organization and an independent affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities\, which funds OH's grant program\; P ortland State University\, Center for Japanese Studies\; University of Ore gon\; Samuel Naito\; and&nbsp\;<em>Friends of Oregon Nikkei Endowment</em> .\n\nOregon Nikkei Legacy Center\n121 NW 2nd Avenue\nPortland\, OR &nbsp\; 97209\n503-224-1458\n<a href="">www.oregonnikk</a> DTSTAMP:20240601T120058Z SUMMARY:Coming Home: Lecture by Brian Komei Dempster URL:/en/events/2013/02/23/coming-home-lecture-by-brian-komei-dempster/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR