BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20120624T000000Z DTEND:20120624T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Come and enjoy a day of fun in the sun! Compete with friends\, meet new friends and spend time with your family! This track meet is for a ll ages!\n\nJoin in on the community picnic! Bring your favorite dishes an d enjoy lunch with all of the participants.\n\nYou must pre-register in or der to participate.\n\n<strong>Location:</strong>&nbsp\;Gunn High School\, 780 Arastradero Road\, Palo Alto\, California&nbsp\;\n<strong>Fees:</stro ng>&nbsp\;$15 per entry and includes a t-shirt\n\n<strong>More info:</stro ng>&nbsp\;<a href=" m.pdf">Download flyer and form</a>\n<a href=" documents/flyerandentryform.pdf"></a>\n<strong>"How do I sign up?"\n</stro ng>Call us at 415-567-5505\, email&nbsp\;<a href="mailto:programsevents@jc"></a>.\n\nFor more information\, please visit <a href="/" target="_blank"></a>. DTSTAMP:20240603T011315Z SUMMARY:JCCCNC Track Meet URL:/en/events/2012/06/24/jcccnc-track-meet/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR