BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20110327T000000Z DTEND:20110327T000000Z DESCRIPTION:This Sunday Keith Uchima will co-emcee a fundraising event for the Disaster relief fund for Japan.&nbsp\;\n&nbsp\;\nThe event is&nbsp\;pr oduced by Catalyst Ranch in association with Porchlight Theatre and will b e held at Catalyst Ranch's amazing location at 656 W. Randolph in Chicago. &nbsp\; Reception 5:30\, Performance at 6pm. &nbsp\;Also sponsoring are Bi g Delicious Planet and\n&nbsp\;\nThis&nbsp\;event will f eature the&nbsp\;theme of Harmony\, Hope and Humanity&nbsp\;as&nbsp\;perfo rmed by Chicago's top&nbsp\;Asian American Musical Theater Voices.&nbsp\; There will be an open bar and food will be catered by Big Delicious Planet .\n&nbsp\;\nDirector/Performer Danny Bernardo has locked in the very "best of the best" performers including: Joseph Foronda\, Emily Morales\, Chris tine Bunuan\, Erik Kaiko\, Jillian Jocson\, and my fellow emcee Chelsea Do linar-Hikawa.&nbsp\;\n&nbsp\;\nKeith Uchima will be dedicating an original song to the brave rescue workers.\n&nbsp\;\nPlease help us&nbsp\;help oth ers.&nbsp\;&nbsp\;Let me ask you - &nbsp\;is an open bar\, free food and a n amazing Cabaret Performance is enough to get you to donate to this worth y cause?\n&nbsp\;\nAll artists and sponsors will be donating their time an d efforts&nbsp\;and ALL PROCEEDS(100%) will go to the Red Cross Disaster R elief Fund.&nbsp\; Suggested donation is $25 per person. DTSTAMP:20240602T203957Z SUMMARY:Harmony\,Hope&Humanity\; Disaster Relief Concert for Japan URL:/en/events/2011/03/27/harmonyhopehumanity-disaster-relief-concert-for/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR