BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20101029T000000Z DTEND:20101029T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The National Nikkei Museum &amp\; Heritage Centre continues it 10th anniversary celebrations with an evening of the beautiful music of Le slie Uyeda performed by Kathryn Cernauskas (flute/bamboo flute)\, Rachel K iyo Iwaasa (piano)\, Heather Pawsey (soprano)\, and Sue Round (cello) in t he magnificent ellipse lobby of the NNMHC.\n Composer Leslie Uyeda will ac t as musical host for evening\, which includes her haiku songs\; songs for soprano and flute with poetry by Joy Kogawa\; the world premiere of a new song cycle with poetry by Lorna Crozier\; plus music by Poulenc and Ravel .\n This concert is dedicated to the memory of Leslie&rsquo\;s Japanese Ca nadian family &ndash\; her father Yutaka Uyeda\, her aunts Mariko and Lily \, and her grandparents Bunjiro and Kimi Uyeda who\, in the 1930&rsquo\;s\ , donated a thousand cherry trees to the City of Vancouver.\n Generously s upported by Canada Council for the Arts &ndash\; Conseil des Arts du Canad a\, National Association of Japanese Canadians\, City of Burnaby and Burna by Arts Council. DTSTAMP:20240602T051259Z SUMMARY:Sakura Songs: The Music of Leslie Uyeda URL:/en/events/2010/10/29/sakura-songs-the-music-of-leslie-uyeda/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR