BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20101016T000000Z DTEND:20101016T000000Z DESCRIPTION:\n\nSaturday\, October 16 &middot\; 8:00pm - 9:00pm\n\nLocation \nFulton Recital Hall 1010 E. 59th Street\, 4th floor Chicago\, IL 60637\n \nCreated By\n\n<a href=" ">Center for East Asian Studies\, University of Chicago</a>\n\nMore Info\n An evening of traditional and contemporary music for the Japanese shakuhac hi\, koto\, and shamisen. Featuring Michael Chikuzen Gould\, Grand Master of shakuhachi. With Chieko Iwazaki on koto and shamisen\, and Kuniyasu Iwa zaki on shakuhachi.&nbsp\;\n\nHear a clip of Michael playing shakuhachi:&n bsp\;<a href="" target ="_blank"></a>\n\nWatc h a video of Michael playing "Yamagoe:"&nbsp\;<a href=" com/watch?v=NpL-apSB6cM" target="_blank"> L-apSB6cM</a>\n DTSTAMP:20240604T000949Z SUMMARY:Voice of the Shakuhachi URL:/en/events/2010/10/16/voice-of-the-shakuhachi/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR