BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100731T000000Z DTEND:20100731T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Tuesday Night Project (TNP) celebrates its 12th year of bringin g together thousands of people to live performance\, music\, poetry\, sho rt film\, live-stream broadcasts and an eclectic gathering of Los Angeles art+community through its &quot\;1st&amp\;3rd Tuesday Night Cafe&quot\; series in Little Tokyo/Downtown L.A. TNParty: annual benefit for the Tue sday Night Project&quot\; will be TNP&rsquo\;s 2nd annual fundraiser unde rneath the Los Angeles summer skyline\, with an outdoor plaza full of DJ& rsquo\;s spinning\, live music\, a silent art auction\, video projection\ , and live painting. Everyone is welcome\, from long-time supporters of T uesday Night Cafe to past performers to people who are new to TNP. Join T uesday Night Project at the TNParty and support one of the longest runnin g free public art spaces in Downtown L.A.! For more information: contact@ or visit\n\n$20 Gener al Admission at the door $15 Presale\, Students &amp\; Seniors Children 12 and under are Free DTSTAMP:20240603T123424Z SUMMARY:The Party URL:/en/events/2010/07/31/the-party/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR