BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100721T000000Z DTEND:20100721T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Los Angeles Dodgers vs. San Francisco Giants</strong>\n \nThe Los Angeles Dodgers\, in conjunction with the Nisei Week Foundation\ , is inviting families and groups of the Japanese American community to co me out for the annual L.A. Dodger&rsquo\;s Japanese American Community Nig ht (JACN).\n\nThe Dodgers will be facing the San Francisco Giants. Game st arts at 7:10pm\, but come early for pre-game festivities\, including Daion Taiko\, a surprise guest throwing out the first pitch\, and a meet &amp\; greet with the beautiful 2009 Nisei Week Queen and Court in the &ldquo\;T his is My Town&rdquo\; food section during the 1st inning.\n\nVarious disc ounted ticket prices are available for the community\, including &ldquo\;T his Is My Town&rdquo\; tickets\, which give you a reserved level ticket\, free t-shirt\, and an all inclusive Japanese menu\, plus hot dogs\, nachos \, popcorn and soft drinks for only $37.00.&nbsp\;\n\nThe link to purchase tickets is and use the promo code: Japan. [I tried accessing this page on 7/3/10\, but it redirected me to the home page\, so you probably will need to just call.]\n\nFor ticket information\, call Af ton Kurth at (323) 224-1565. For information on the JACN\, call John &ldqu o\;JT&rdquo\; Tamaki at (323) 394-5106.\nMaybe we'll get to see the Giants ' Travis Ishikawa play\, a JA Hapa who platoons at first base. &nbsp\;=) DTSTAMP:20240603T130053Z SUMMARY:LA Dodger's Japanese American Community Night URL:/en/events/2010/07/21/la-dodgers-japanese-american-community-night/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR