BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20091206T000000Z DTEND:20091206T000000Z DESCRIPTION:"White on Rice" Screening in Chicago!\n\n"White on Rice\," an i ndie comedy by director Dave Boyle\, will be showing at the Gene Siskel Fi lm Center this&nbsp\;Sunday\, December 6 at 5 PM.&nbsp\; The screening wil l feature a set by San Francisco based musician Goh Nakamura at 4:30 PM.&n bsp\; A special Q&amp\;A session with the director will follow the screeni ng.\n\nSunday\, December 6 - 5 PM\nGene Siskel Film Center\n164 N. State S treet\n\nTickets are $10.\n\nMore about "White on Rice":\nJimmy (Hiroshi W atanabe\, LETTERS FROM IWO JIMA) loves dinosaurs and sleeps on the top bun k. Unfortunately\, Jimmy is 40 and shares that bunk with Bob (Justin Kwong )\, his 10-year-old nephew. Freshly divorced\, Jimmy lives with his sister Aiko (Japanese Academy Award winner Nae) and her family while boldly sear ching for a new wife. His brother in-law\, Tak (Mio Takada\, "Late Night w ith Conan O'Brien") thinks he's a disaster. And although Jimmy may lack so cial grace\, he is convinced the best years of his life are just beginning .&nbsp\; His plan seems like it's all falling into place when Tak's beauti ful niece Ramona (Lynn Chen\, SAVING FACE) moves in. But once Jimmy sets h is sights on stealing her from his best friend Tim (James Kyson Lee\, "Her oes")\, he sees his intentions go hilariously awry.&nbsp\;&nbsp\;\n&nbsp\; \nHilarious and heartwarming\, White on Rice "Hits every comedic beat with surgical precision." (AsianWeek)\nWebsite:&nbsp\;<a title="http://whiteon" href=" " target="_blank"></a>\nTrailer:&n bsp\;<a title="" href="http://ww" target="_blank"> watch?v=P2f9vj60lfI</a> DTSTAMP:20240605T173944Z SUMMARY:White On Rice and Music with Goh Nakamura URL:/en/events/2009/12/06/white-on-rice-and-music-with-goh-nakamura/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR