BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20091024T000000Z DTEND:20091024T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<em></em>The confinement of some 120\,000 Japanese Americans du ring World War II\, often called the Japanese American internment\, has be en described as the worst official civil rights violation of modern U. S. history. Greg Robinson not only offers a bold new understanding of these e vents but also studies them within a larger time frame and from a transnat ional perspective.\n\nDrawing on newly discovered material\, Robinson prov ides a backstory of confinement that reveals for the first time the extent of the American government's surveillance of Japanese communities in the years leading up to war and the construction of what officials termed "con centration camps" for enemy aliens. He also considers the aftermath of con finement\, including the place of Japanese Americans in postwar civil righ ts struggles\, the long movement by former camp inmates for redress\, and the continuing role of the camps as touchstones for nationwide commemorati on and debate.\n\nMost remarkably\, <em>A Tragedy of Democracy </em> is th e first book to analyze official policy toward West Coast Japanese America ns within a North American context. Robinson studies confinement on the ma inland alongside events in wartime Hawaii\, where fears of Japanese Americ ans justified Army dictatorship\, suspension of the Constitution\, and the imposition of military tribunals. He similarly reads the treatment of Jap anese Americans against Canada's confinement of 22\,000 citizens and resid ents of Japanese ancestry from British Columbia. A Tragedy of Democracy re counts the expulsion of almost 5\,000 Japanese from Mexico's Pacific Coast and the poignant story of the Japanese Latin Americans who were kidnapped from their homes and interned in the United States. Approaching Japanese confinement as a continental and international phenomenon\, Robinson offer s a truly kaleidoscopic understanding of its genesis and outcomes. DTSTAMP:20240603T045735Z SUMMARY:A Tragedy of Democracy: Japanese Confinement in North America by G reg Robinson URL:/en/events/2009/10/24/a-tragedy-of-democracy-japanese-confinement-in-no / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR